Citrix reciver 4.3
Citrix reciver 4.3


Here is the final response that I received from Citrix as to what the issue is. Shortcut-only mode (SelfService modei is disabled) XenDesktop 7.6 and XenApp 6.5 (neither of the two auto reconnect) Receiver v4.3.100 (I also had the issue with v4.3)


Windows 7 Professional (local machine where Receiver is running) Actually, it appears that the only setting that IS working is the default setting of 3. I also noticed the issue with WSCReconnectMode set to 4, sessions will not auto reconnect when the Receiver is launched. Also, for testing purposes, I created a test Store, but I had the same issue. However, between you and the engineer having the same issue, I no longer think it is an issue with my environment. Prior to the issue being reproduced I thought that is was an issue with my environment, most likely with the Receiver, but perhaps with the Store on the Storefront side.


I will post an update once I hear back from them.


It took me two weeks, but I finally got an offline engineer to take the case, so I should be hearing back next week with a helpful update. The engineer that I am working with at Citrix was able to reproduce the same issue in his lab. However, if we open the Receiver either by double-clicking the Receiver Icon or right-click > open (Launch) the session is not reconnected.įor a work-around I have placed a shortcut in "shell:common startup" (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp) that executes this command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\ICA Client\SelfServicePlugin\SelfService.exe" -reconnectapps I can confirm if we Refresh Apps (Refresh), or open another application (WinLogon) the session is reconnected. GPO specifying StoreFront account and reconnect behaviour (Control when Receiver attempts to reconnect to existing sessions.): WinLogon, Refresh, Launch. However, like your situation, if the user locks and the unlocks the machine the session is reconnected. I am having the exact same issue will not reconnect a XenApp session when logging on to a computer, be that the same computer or a different one. Something weird that I noticed is if I lock my machine, then unlock it, my sessions will reconnect. Also worth noting is that when I select the value of ‘4’, which is supposed to reconnect sessions when the Receiver interface opens, that does not work either.


However, the Receiver will not reconnect sessions at Windows logon I tried creating the same entry under the HKCU key, but it does not fix it either. If I change it from the default value of ‘3’ to ‘8’ it fixes the Refresh issue and the issue where all sessions are reconnected if a single session is launched. I tried to resolve this by modifying the WSCReconnectMode entry in the HKLM\Wow6432Node\Citrix\Dazzle key. After reading up on this further, I realize that this is by default. I also notice the following different behaviors in Receiver 4.x (1)when logged into a local machine, hitting ‘Refresh’ from the Receiver reconnects all disconnected/active sessions AND (2)when logged into a local machine, launching a single session will also reconnect any other disconnected/active XenDesktop and/or XenApp sessions. This feature is not working in Receiver v4.x (I have tried 4.2, 4.3, and 4.3.100). Currently, we have v3.3 in production and when a user logs into their LOCAL machine, if they have a disconnected and/or active session it will automatically launch. We are in the process or testing Receiver v4.3.100 for rollout to our LAN based machines.

Citrix reciver 4.3